If you've read parts I through IV, you know a bit more about what an agent does. And if you've stuck around for this long, good for you! I know some of the content I've been putting out doesn't necessarily describe a dream job. But that's the point. Being an agent is not all rainbows and butterflies! If you still think being an agent is for you, then here are some of the steps you'll need to take in order to get your certifications.

In order to become a NBPA Certified Agent, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Fill out all sections of the Agent Application:
Send in copies of diploma or transcripts
Send in your payment of $1500 USD. --> This includes non-refundable application fee of $250 USD --> This includes pro-rated dues of $1250, for the remainder of that season.
Complete the consent form and authorize the background search
Send in two forms of government issued photo ID
Completed W9 or W8BEN form
2. Download the CBA and Agent Regulations
Begin to get familiar with the rules and regulations of agents
Prepare for the written exam (early 2021)
3. Take the Written Exam
According to NBPA website it will be given in February or March or 2021.
You must pass the exam to officially become a certified agent
4. Maintain Certification
Pay annual dues on time
Negotiate at least one Player Contract within a 5 year period
Attend NBPA seminars in accordance with regulations
The Application Window opened on August 1st and will close on November 1st, 2020.
In order to become a FIBA Certified Agent, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Complete all sections of the online registration
2. Attend one in-person FIBA session CHF 250 (Swiss Francs)
All organization, transportation and accommodation costs are at your expense
One or two sessions per year, depending on which region of the world you are in
3. Pass the interview and written test successfully
Multiple choice exam based on the FIBA Internal Regulations
4. Maintain Certification
Pay the annual dues on time (CHF 1,000)
The application window is typically open all year around, but your official certification is pending the passing of the exam and paying the certification fee.
[ Exam Exception ] If you currently hold a NBPA, WNBPA, BAR or National Federation license, then you are exempt from taking the actual exam. You can simply register online with the proof of your license and a few additional items.
The third type of agent certification that you can have is a NCAA Certification:
If you’d like to read how I really feel about this, you can read my reaction after the announcement year.
Becoming a NCAA Certified Agent technically allows you to represent Division I basketball players as they weigh their professional options, without them losing their eligibility. In other words, if an undergraduate student athlete is "testing the waters," the NCAA believes the only people capable of guiding them properly is someone who has paid them a fee and passed their exam. In other words, it’s a double taxation for agents who have already properly certified through the organization that was made to protect professional athletes. But again, I’ll refer you to my blog post for more on that.
The certification steps for this license include:
Another background check
Another non-refundable application fee
Another passed exam
Another certification fee
There are some additional licenses that you are required to obtain if you want to do business in specific countries overseas. For example, I have my German Agent License as well, which means I can work directly with clubs in Germany. More on international stuff later...
Following the steps listed here does not guarantee you an agent license. And I would hope this is obvious, but please refer to the respective organizations for the official instructions. I have only provided guidelines based on my knowledge and experience. I’ve included the official websites for each certification below.
If you are looking for some consulting to help you with the process, send me a personal message and we can set up a phone call. I will be coming out with a deep dive online course in the coming weeks that will walk you through the process step by step. In the meantime, happy research!
If you like what you've been reading, and still want to learn more, check out the Sports Agent Educational Journey!
During "The Sports Agent Educational Journey" You Will:
Understand the basic framework of a day in the life of a sports agent
Comprehend the business models and strategy of sports agencies
Learn where to go and how to apply for your agent certifications
Identify where your skill sets can add value to an agency
Be given access to tools used by current sports agents
Differentiate yourself from other aspiring agents
and much more...
If you missed the previous parts of this series, check out the links below:
Part One: So You Wanna Be An Agent?
Part Two: How Do Agents Make Money?
Part Three: Sports Agency Business Model
Part Four: Contracts 101