This is a monthly recap of resources that have helped me become the best version of me!

A QUOTE I love --
"To be extraordinary you must be willing to do things that others are not willing to do."
A BOOK I finished --
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson // Not giving a f*ck essentially means being comfortable with your imperfections. This book outlines how to identify your weaknesses and overcome concerns that are holding you back!
A PODCAST I listened to --
A Rant on Overnight Success (The Gary Vaynerchuk Experience) // A lack of patience is usually the most difficult opponent to beat. If we want something really badly we tend to get anxious for it. Many people today want something so bad that they start their own business and do something they love (including myself). But not many of those people realize that how much you have to sacrifice. And if you don't truly love the process then shit will get ugly quickly. One of my favorite podcasts for a quick spark of motivation!
Location --> Tbilisi, Georgia
Reason --> Went to my first FIBA World Cup Qualifier game! (Georgia vs. Estonia)
Fun Fact --> Georgia is one of the oldest wine producing regions in the world.
A few ARTICLES you should read --
The Most Valuable College Basketball Teams // Would you believe me if I told you that there is a college basketball team that made more money than the Cleveland Cavaliers did last year? Trust me, that's not the only thing that will surprise you about the inside financial aspects of college basketball (great explanation video included).
16 Small Ways to Improve Your Life // Routines have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Of course we all go through stages of being organized, consistently working out, and feeling great! But there are also stages that seem like total chaos. Here's a nice little list of small ways you can improve your life today.
A SPEECH you should take notes on --
The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout // Rick Rigsby will catch your attention with some humorous oxy-morons at the beginning of his speech. But life lessons from a third grade dropout shaped his life and might give you the spark of motivation you need to hear. Remember, education is not always taught through textbooks. Get out there and learn!
A VIDEO you should watch --
One Year of Saying Yes to Everything // Another TED Talk coming at ya! Shonda Rhimes describes how the very act of doing the thing that scared her undid her fear. As soon as she started saying yes to things, no matter what they were, her life began to change. And one of those time she answered "yes" it changed her life forever.
Like anything in life, I will continuously make changes and improvements to this newsletter! That will all depend on feedback I get from YOU! The purpose is to be able to share resources that bring you value. Hit me with feedback on any of the following:
Which resource above is your favorite?
What do you want more or less of?
How can I improve?
Send me a tweet (@Kevin_Tarca), shoot me a DM (@kevintarca) or simply respond to this email!
Have a wonderful month!
-- Kevin
P.S. In case you missed a previous month's newsletter, you can check them all out here!